Broadcast Oxford

Anatomy of Fine Dining, Organs: Unveil The Unseen Body

October 26, 2022 Broadcast Studio Season 1 Episode 1

From growing seeds, farming, childbirth, nutrition, and building new channels around cultural exchange as we face some of the most challenging of times; these beautiful farmers are cultivating inspiring movement in food from West Africa to the south around the most delicious dishes.In our interview this morning; impressive chef, farmer, nutritionist, doula and business owners' @ch_ch_ch_dria @gimbiaskitchen with @justeviateas inspire; as they share how they are bridging brilliant works in farming, business, sustainability, food security, health, and community… and doing it in the most delicious ways!

Look out for their upcoming events, and check out the event we discussed in our interview where they collaborated with to build a culinary experience, The Anatomy of Fine Dining, with The UnSeen Body author, Dr. Johnathan Reisman @jonreismanmd, hosted October 2-3 @snackbar in Oxford, MS! Everything, including the BONE MARROW ICE CREAM was divine!

It was an honor to interview these inspiring ladies today.

Check out more about their story, ways to engage, and support their new farm:

They are looking to buy their own farm of around 20-40 acres, preferably with a pond for ducks. Where they can build a dining area with a commercial kitchen, a farm store, and, of course, two houses that are set off from the farm for them and their families. They are hoping to have at least 3 greenhouses on the property!

IG  @justeviateas, @gimbiaskitchen

And do not miss the upcoming dinners Dr. Johnathan Reisman is hosting around the US!

Follow Dr. Jonathan Reisman on Twitter @jonreisman MD and Instagram @jonreismanMDRead Jonathan's articles at His new book, The UnSeen Body, is a must!

Gimbia's Kitchen + Dr. Jonathan Reisman present Anatomy of Fine Dining
N Lamar Boulevard | Oxford, MS
A dinner featuring various animal organs, prepared in ways to tantalize your tastebuds. Join us as Dr. Jonathan Reisman.from Anatomy Eats and author of The Unseen Body, discusses the role of specific organs in both humans and animals. Meanwhile, Halima & Dria of Gimbia's Kitchen will highlight how these organs can be used culinarily while showcasing their traditional uses in West African andSouthern cuisine.

Other goodness noted in the podcasts:
Chef Vishwesh Bhatt of SnackBar, and author of the awesome newly published book, I Am From Here #iamfromhere
IG @kissmybhatt1 & @citygroceryrestaurantgroup

Oxford Community Market IG @oxcm

Etta Hills Farms

Falkner Farms    IG @falknerfarms

Women of Worth & Excellent

Terry Gross's Interview with Dr. Jonathan Reisman on Fresh Air


WOWE End of the Summet Festival is approaching soon. We are still accepting vendors. Register today with the link. Live music, food, performances, inflatables for the children and shopping still you drop.

IG: @tammyshairgallery & @sparksessions_

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